EEFA Updates

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New Grantmaking Process and 2023 Grantee

MSC implemented a grantmaking process that evaluated organizations based on state activities and EEFA aligned areas of work while allocating additional funds to projects based on their relationship to frontline communities and DEI work.

Energy Justice for Maryland’s Low-Income Communities

EEFA Louisiana in November

EEFA Louisiana in October

Out of Time: Regulators Must Prevent Utility Shutoffs

The prospect of people across the country losing electric, water, or gas service for non-payment is being compared to a mid-pandemic tidal wave. Yet regulators are about to open the floodgates.

EEFA Louisiana in September

After the statues come down, let's build a more equitable society

This Op-Ed appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on August 8, 2020. Dawone Robinson is the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic director of energy affordability at the Natural Resources Defense Council. He manages EEFA’s Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region.

Public Utility Commissions: Swiss Army Knives of Protection

Quiet groups of state regulators you may never have heard of have a great deal of power to help carry us through this pandemic: public utility commissions (PUCs).

Good News, North Carolina: $6 Million for Energy Efficiency

How about some good news? July brings some for low-income residents of North Carolina in the form of $6 million in new funding for energy-saving, health, and safety improvements to their homes.

From COVID-19 to Climate: Lessons for Climate Justice

The massive social disruption caused by the pandemic offers important lessons to consider as we craft strategies for aggressive climate action.

Federal Energy Efficiency: Promoting Equity and the Planet

The federal government should help by investing in solutions that support people without causing more pollution – such as energy efficiency.

The Potential Eviction Crisis Could Create a Debt Time Bomb

If Congress doesn’t urgently act, U.S. households that are most vulnerable to the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic face the increasing threat of evictions at the worst possible time—and America risks a consumer debt time bomb.

EEFA Louisiana in July

We Must Invest In Climate-Ready Affordable Housing Now

One way to reduce the near- and long-term impact of a disaster on low-income renters is to ensure that the rental properties they live in can remain functional throughout the disaster and bounce back to normal operations quickly afterward.

EEFA Pennsylvania Statement of Solidarity

Our coalition will rededicate ourselves to interrogating the racial equity of current policies and practices - including our own - and being relentless in pursuing change.

Congress Must Act to Avoid Deepening the Eviction Crisis

As parts of the country begin to open up again, those moratoriums are being lifted or will be allowed to expire—and threaten to plunge millions of vulnerable U.S. households into homelessness.

EEFA Louisiana in May

Struggling Renters Need Relief, Rental Assistance Can Help

With the COVID-19 pandemic leaving millions of people jobless as well as concerned about their health, rent payments will put an even greater strain on tenants and building owners this month.

The Hidden Pre-Existing Condition

Inadequate, unhealthy, and unstable housing is a key, pre-existing social contributor to many of the medical problems making people more vulnerable to COVID-19, especially in systemically under-resourced communities.

EEFA Releases Pandemic Response Guide to Protect Under-Resourced Communities

Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) released Pandemic Response Guidance to help local, state, and federal leaders address these issues in their responses to the COVID-19 crisis.

EEFA Releases Pandemic Response Guidance

EEFA is highlighting policies actively being developed by community groups, local, state, and federal government, mission-driven nonprofit organizations, and academic researchers for protection against eviction and other housing issues.

Re: Missouri Energy Efficiency for All COVID-19 Crisis Response

As members of the Missouri Energy Efficiency for All (MO-EEFA) coalition, we write to you today to urge strong leadership and action to protect Missouri residents.

EEFA Louisiana in April

COVID-19 Crisis: Organizations Call on Georgia Governor to Take Immediate Action to Ensure Residents are Protected from Utility Shut Offs

Letter to Governor Whitmer from the Michigan Energy Efficiency for All Coalition on COVID-19 Response

A letter to Governor Whitmer from the Michigan Energy Efficiency for All coalition.

Ensuring Access to Energy More Important Than Ever

As the coronavirus crisis grows, our first priority should be to assist those whose health and welfare are at most risk. Access to affordable water and energy is a crucial need at all times, but never more than now as the COVID-19 pandemic grows.

Suspend Shutoffs of Essential Utility Services in Crisis

As the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic grows, we support calls for utility shutoff moratoriums to protect our most vulnerable communities.

Energy Efficiency Is for Everyone

The benefits of the nation’s largest energy resource aren’t reaching those who could most use them. We can fix that.

EEFA Louisiana in February

Energy Efficiency in NRDC's Commitment to Environmental Justice

The people most likely to live, work, learn, and play in some of America’s most polluted and climate vulnerable environments are also most likely to be people of color, to have lower incomes, and to be targeted as hosts for pollution producing facilities.

Maryland Efficiency Program Brings Sustainability Home in Annapolis

SAHF’s latest case study, EmPOWER-ing Maryland, explores how thoughtful program design can help state- and utility-funded efficiency programs deliver on their promise of energy efficiency and affordability to more low- and moderate-income households.

Lenders: To Preserve Affordable Housing, Manage Climate Risk

Climate-resilient multifamily housing properties benefit tenants and property owners as well as its lenders and investors.

Healthy Energy Efficiency: The Proof Is in the Materials

Investing in energy efficiency upgrades in multi-family affordable housing can deliver multiple benefits beyond reducing waste, ranging from lower energy costs for building owners and residents to healthier buildings with smaller carbon footprints.

Everyone Can Benefit from Electric Homes: Here’s How

It is possible to equitably switch California homes to all-electric systems, cutting fossil gas use and improving our health, according to a groundbreaking report issued today.

Energy Efficiency Day in IL - Celebrating EE in CEJA

Energy Efficiency Day puts a spotlight on one of the most important tools in the transition beyond fossil fuels – energy efficiency. Although IL has strong standards, the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) would expand the state’s energy efficiency requirements.

Why Affordable Housing Matters for Environmental Protection

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) joins the list of organizations calling for federal action to address the nation’s housing crisis. We cannot adequately tackle the dual crises of climate change and housing affordability in silos.

Energy inefficiency disproportionately hurts low-income Baltimoreans

Op-ed in the Baltimore Sun calls on Maryland leaders to adopt a goal of achieving 1% annual energy savings for low-income Maryland households.

Seeding Energy Innovation at Minnesota’s Housing Finance Agency

Thoughtful, strategic investment in the capacity of housing finance agencies can yield huge dividends. That has certainly been the case with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (“Minnesota Housing”)

A Win for Energy Equity in Georgia

EEFA-GA partners protected the interests of residential customers and especially affordable housing residents in the state’s long-range energy plan.

New Video: Achieving Energy Efficiency For All Renters

EEFA is launching a new video today to tell the story of why it is critical to connect climate, health, and equity by bringing energy efficiency to affordable homes.

CPUC Envisions New Future for Low-Income Efficiency Program

The California Public Utilities Commission adopted major improvements for the future of its low-income energy efficiency program, incorporating an innovative multifamily whole-building model and encouraging deeper energy savings for low-income households.

Report: “A Green New Deal for Renters” Is Possible

A new report makes a strong case for Los Angeles leaders to reassess the city’s investments in energy efficiency programs to ensure they better serve affordable housing residents who remain deeply underserved by these services.

Utility Low-Income Efficiency Programs in Need of Upgrade

California’s Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program is designed to help low-income households save money on their monthly energy bills through no-cost weatherization services hasn’t been saving as much energy as it could be. Reform is needed.

Don't Leave Low-Income Families Behind on the Climate Mobilization Act

NYC has cause to celebrate with the passage of the Climate Mobilization Act, which addresses the carbon footprint of the city’s buildings. However, two key issues must be addressed to ensure communities of color and low-income New Yorkers benefit.

ACEEE Report: Efficiency reduces energy burdens for low-income multifamily households

Energy efficiency programs save an average of more than $100 in utility bills for low-income households living in multifamily buildings, according to an ACEEE survey of 32 programs across the United States.

2019 EEFA-NEWHAB Convening

The 2019 EEFA-NEWHAB Convening will be held May 21–23 in Downtown Los Angeles. The theme for this year’s gathering is “People Power: Building Healthy Homes for All.”

New and Improved Utility Programs

Through our advocacy efforts, certain utilities are expanding or improving the efficiency options available to multifamily affordable housing providers.

June 2018 State Updates

Read the latest from EEFA State Coalitions.

EEFA Coalitions Advance New or Revived State Low-Income Work Groups

In several EEFA states, coalition partners are advancing or participating in work groups focused specifically on low-income energy needs to further the dialogue and identify equitable energy efficiency solutions.

EEFA Federal Defense Update: February 2018

EEFA Federal Defense has been busy protecting the programs that matter the most.

EEFA State Coalition News and Updates: February 2018

The EEFA state coalitions have been busy throughout the past few months. Read about some exciting state coalition updates.

EEFA State Coalition News and Updates: Summer 2017

EEFA continues to make progress in providing energy efficiency to multifamily housing. Take a look at some exciting state coalition updates.

Staying on Message: CA Delivers Creates a Journalist Guide to Energy Efficiency Investments in Low-Income Multifamily Housing

Engaging the media is critical to educating the public about the value of energy efficiency investments in low-income multifamily housing. But how do you ensure that journalists have the background they need to report accurately on the issue?

EEFA State Coalition News and Updates: May 2017

The EEFA state coalitions have been busy throughout the past few months. Take a look at some exciting state coalition updates.

EEFA/NEWHAB Annual Convening Roundup

The convening was a great success with more than 150 participants engaging in collaborative learning and solution-building sessions and plenty of networking.

City Challenge Pilot Results

EEFA has completed City Challenge Pilots in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Kansas City to better understand the specific barriers each city faces.

Energy Efficiency Retrofits and Multifamily Housing Stock: Minnesota Case Studies

Just as in many states, affordable housing is critical for low-income Minnesota residents. Many multifamily housing units in Minnesota are in need of repair and aren’t very energy efficient, resulting in high utility bills.

Maryland Groups show continued support for EmPOWER energy efficiency programs

Today, 48 organizations, including 20 affordable housing organizations, signed a letter to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan to underscore the importance and their continued support of EmPOWER Maryland.

EEFA State Coalition Highlights: December 2016

The EEFA state coalitions have been busy throughout the past few months. Take a look at some exciting state coalition updates.

It's time to make the case for affordable housing in the CPP

The Clean Power Plan provides a historic opportunity to bring energy efficiency investment to affordable rental housing. While the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a stay, many states are moving ahead.

Laying it all out: How low income communities can win with the Clean Power Plan

A hidden gem in the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan is the potential to benefit low-income communities. However, residents and advocates of these communities—often the hardest hit by dirty power—need to be ready in order to realize these benefits.

Feeling proud of the City of New Orleans...for smart energy policy.

The New Orleans City Council passed Resolution R-15-599 calling on Entergy New Orleans to plan its customer-facing efficiency programs to save electricity every year equal to 2 percent of the utility’s annual sales.

Weatherization Assistance Program: Getting the Facts Straight

Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Lab releases synthesis of 36 studies of the Weatherization Assistance Program showing families saved an average of almost $300 annually in energy costs while reducing carbon pollution by 2.2 million metric tons.

How California's Unprecedented Law to Measure Building Energy Use Can Yield Even More Benefits for Customers

When Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 802, California became the first state in the nation with a mandate to provide energy usage data to owners of commercial and multi-family properties so they can measure the energy use of their buildings over time.

How can we make multifamily housing more energy efficient?

Over the past year, Fresh Energy has partnered with Minneapolis-based affordable housing developer Aeon to establish the Minnesota Affordable Housing Multifamily Energy Network.

Taking Big Steps Towards Energy Efficiency for All in Maryland

This weekend, my Memorial Day observance will include toasting a historic two weeks of regulatory activity in favor of low-income utility customers in Maryland, particularly those most underserved of the bunch: Renters.

Utilities Eat Their Kale: Energy Efficiency for Low-Income Renters Not So Daunting After All

Residents and owners of affordable apartment buildings in Illinois could net more than $2 billion in energy savings over the next 20 years by investing in energy efficiency measures according to a new study.

Reports Document Potential to Reduce Energy Costs in Affordable Housing by Millions, and How to Capture that Potential

Residents and owners of affordable apartment buildings in Illinois could net more than $2 billion in energy savings over the next 20 years by investing in energy efficiency measures according to a new study.

New NRDC Study Highlights the Big Potential for Energy Efficiency in Affordable Multifamily Housing

The potential for cost-effective energy savings in the rental apartments where millions of low-income Americans live is substantial—as much as 32 percent for electricity and 24 percent for natural gas.

Twin Reports Document How Residents and Owners of Affordable Apartment Buildings Can Save Billions in Energy Costs by Adopting Proven Energy Efficiency Strategies

Residents and owners of affordable apartment buildings in Michigan could net more than $1.7 billion in energy savings over the next 20 years by investing in energy efficiency measures according to a new study released today by Energy Efficiency for All.

EmPOWER Energy Efficiency Policy: Delivering Big Returns to Maryland

Paying too much for electricity and gas at a time when household budgets are still pinched from the great recession can mean having less to spend on nutritious food, healthcare, and other necessities.

Delivering Energy Efficiency for All Pennsylvanians

Governor’s new plan includes a $50-million investment in energy efficiency.

Understanding Aggregated Data Rules from State to State

A new fact sheet will help regulatory attorneys and others understand aggregated data and how privacy standards vary from state to state.