At the May 7, 2020 EmPOWER Maryland hearing, Mr. Grevatt, speaking on behalf of the Maryland Energy Efficiency Advocates (“MEEA”) proposed the Commission consider alternatives to either 1) refunding unexpended EmPOWER funds to customers, or 2) using those funds to reduce the balance of amortized expenditures that have yet to be collected. Specifically, Mr. Grevatt proposed the Commission consider investing some or all of these funds in programs that will assist customers in reducing their energy bills. MEEA has long advocated that EmPOWER savings be increased for economically vulnerable populations, and the need is unquestionably much greater as a result of dramatic increases in unemployment that are resulting from COVID-related work closures. In response to Commissioner Michael Richard’s invitation to submit suggested programs that the Commission could consider directing the utilities to implement, MEEA provides the following proposals…”