Delivery of electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications services are some of the biggest problem areas for consumers today. Skyrocketing prices, de-regulation, and widespread terminations all make access to utility service an area essential to a consumer law practice.
What You Need to Know in This Evolving Area
- Rights to prevent disconnections and to reconnect service
- Deposits, late charges, level billing plans, master metering, other metering issues
- Right to utility service
- Discount rates and affordability programs
- Federal fuel assistance program
- Weatherization and energy efficiency programs
- Utility allowances in subsidized housing
- Tenant strategies to maintain service despite landlord non-payment
- Telephone and Telecommunications issues
- Affordable water service
- Manufactured homes and utility service
- Using bankruptcy to restore service
- Municipal and REC utility service
- Oil, propane, and other deliverable fuels